The Editor
2014-2015 ARCHIVES
Executive Gun Control: Obama Creates ‘Crazy List,’ Disarms the Elderly
Notre Dame prof. calls permissive gun laws a 'manifestation of racism’
More Women Would Support Hillary If They Loved Abortion
A Muslim Confronted Ben Carson Over His Views On Islam. His Response Earned Him a Standing Ovation
From treadmills used for punishment to rat poison and Viagra, experts reveal scientific breakthroughs discovered by ACCIDENT
Images of U.S. Sailors on Their Knees Before Iran Surface as Biden Denies Apology
UNC-Greensboro requires education majors to make ‘commitment to social justice’
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Endorses Ted Cruz In Duck Hunting Video
Donald Trump Vows to ‘Unsign’ Obama’s Executive Gun Control
ISIS throw 15-year-old boy off a roof for being gay... but the terror chief who raped him is let off
Environmental Protection Agency Is Well-Armed and Anti-Business
Second Amendment Advocates React to News of Obama’s Upcoming Town Hall on ‘Guns in America’ — and They Don’t Hold Back
What a man's penis can reveal about his life expectancy
Limbaugh’s Al Gore Armageddon Clock About To Hit Zero After Ten Years
Texas Governor to Obama on Executive Gun Control: ‘COME AND TAKE IT’
Another 'Scientific Consensus' Bites the Dust
Two Activist Groups Stuck in the Past
The Bundy Family and Armed Resistance to ‘Government Land Grabs’: Know the Facts
Warriors Mourn Deaths of Six Soldiers at Christmas
Atheists: Just Calm Down
In Christmas Eve Rant, Trump Unleashes on Jeb, Hillary, The New York Times and ‘Meet the Press’ Host
Muslims Gather In UK Towns On Christmas Eve… To Celebrate Muhammad’s Birthday
Rare Full Cold Moon will brighten the sky on Christmas day: Lunar event is the first in 38 years and it won't happen again until 2034
Emails Show Hillary Met At State Department With Sidney Blumenthal
Backfire: ‘Fangirls’ Make Faces Behind Bill Clinton, Call Him ‘Womanizer’
Democrats Assault the Second Amendment...Again
Ann Coulter: Trey Gowdy’s Endorsement of Marco Rubio Will Be No More Effective Than His Benghazi Hearings
The ObamaCare Wolf, Scratching at Your Door
Hillary Goes On The Offensive Against Benghazi Victims’ Families
Farrakhan’s Warning About What Will Happen If Donald Trump Becomes President — and His Message About the ‘Character of the Whites’ Who Follow Him
Scientists reprogram the brains of ants to change their behaviour - and the technique could one day be used to control HUMANS
Graham Accuses GOP Voters of Racism: ‘Visceral,’ ‘Irrational’ Hatred of Obama
Donald Trump Isn't the Problem. Trump Derangement Syndrome
State Department Can’t Find Emails For Hillary’s IT Guy
Saudi Billionaire Prince Demands Donald Trump Exit 2016 Race
Donald Trump Says This Supreme Court Justice ‘Really Let Us Down’
FNC’s Shep Smith: Trump ‘Representing the Worst, Darkest Part of All That Is America’
'Trump's not wrong – we can't wear uniform in our OWN cars': Five police officers claim Donald Trump is RIGHT about parts of London being so 'radicalised'
Brokaw: Trump is Basically Hitler
Syed Farook Plotted Another Terrorist Attack In 2012
Rutgers remembers pro-communist alum with week-long celebration
High School Official Interrupts Conservative Author Ben Shapiro in Middle of Speech After He ‘Crosses the Line’
GOP Candidates ‘Monkeys’ — Only Trump Can Save U.S. From Turning Into ‘Uganda’
Global Tyranny Just Getting Warmed Up
MSNBC’s Brzezinski: Trump Would Beat Hillary
Obama Reportedly Makes Eyebrow-Raising Terrorism Remark in Private Talk With Columnists
School Canceled After Backlash from Making Students Write 'No God But Allah'
Yale prof. says war on ISIS more unconstitutional than protesting First Amendment
Could your GUT be key to treating heart disease?
School Kids To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' at Holiday Concert
Fmr. FBI Counterterrorism Agent: We’ve Received ‘Nearly Zero Help’ from U.S. Muslim Community Since 9/11
Why We Love Our Guns
Obama Spends 27 Percent Of Speech Scolding Americans On Guns, Racism; 8 Percent On ISIS Threat
Ralph Peters on Obama Speech: ‘This Guy Is Such a Total Pussy — It’s Stunning’
‘Let There Be No Mistake in What I’m About to Say’: Watch Sheriff’s Blunt Message to Gun Owners Amid Terror Threat
Hall of Shame: Daily News Columnist Implies San Bernardino Victim Got What He Deserved
Man armed with 'foot-long' knives is Tasered by police as he stabs a man to death
Ted Cruz’s Jacksonian Americanism vs. Marco Rubio’s Wilsonian Internationalism
Professor Blames White Privilege For The Existence Of Michigan
‘Europe Is Gone,’ World Is Heading Toward ‘Global War’: Glenn Beck’s Warning After a Week in the Middle East and Sweden
Who Wants to Die for an Abstraction?
Limbaugh Ridicules MSNBC ‘Nutjob’ For Saying ‘Star Wars,’ Darth Vader Is Racist
Which of these women are most at risk of ovarian cancer?
How Many Americans Must Die For The Left’s Gun-Grab To Work?
Why you can't quit Facebook: Researchers reveal the four tricks social networking site uses to keep us coming back
Loretta Lynch Vows DOJ Will Target Anti-Muslim Speech
FBI: 'Act of Terrorism'
Death by explosive necklace, rocket launcher, or obliterated at sea: ISIS release a series of sickening execution videos
U. of Kentucky covers mural of settlers 'to respond to the pain that it causes'
Illinois School District Settles With Feds To Let Cross-Dressing Boy Shower In Girls’ Locker Room
'Clock Kid' TX H.S.: Listen to What Muslim Valedictorian Has to Say
Trump says black pastors likely pressured not to endorse him
Does Any of This Campus Turmoil Have to Do with Race?
Bernie Sanders Is ‘A Pro-Imperialist Tool’ And 16 More Amazing Communist Newspaper Claims From 2015
When a Woman Saw a U.S. Marine Standing in the Cold Outside Walmart, She Demanded Answers
Greens Blast Jerry Brown for Rooftop Solar Snub
The Burden of Proof on Climate Change
Liberal Rabbi on ‘Gun Violence': Does NRA Chief’s Son Need to Die Like Pharaoh’s Firstborn?
MSNBC's Hayes Mocks American Fears of Terror Attacks
Fox News Suspends Contributors Stacey Dash, Ralph Peters For Using Profanity On Air
I Want a President Who Understands the Value of the American Nation
Ole Miss renames Christmas event because it 'connoted too much Christianity'
Trump Calls For Moratorium On Muslims Entering United States
Dr. Ben Carson to Tour Refugee Camps in Jordan to Battle ‘Premature Capitulation to Violence and Evil’
Distrust of federal land agencies escalates with conviction of Oregon ranchers
Senator Wonders If Hillary Is Covering Legal Expenses For Tech Firm That Managed Her Email Server
The rifle-wielding robots that can launch grenades: China reveals deadly 'attack machines' to combat terrorism
On The Eve Of COP21 Paris Talks: World Just Doesn’t Care About Global Warming Any More
Proof strong cannabis DOES harm your brain: Regularly smoking 'skunk' found to damage area that carries signals
Democrats, Millennials most likely to favor gov't restrictions on offensive speech
Teenage Islamist 'poster girl' who fled Austria to join ISIS 'is beaten to death by the terror group
Building Hitler's SUPERGUN: How megaweapon carved into a Calais hillside was meant to hit London 100 miles away
Media Minimize Mexico’s Role in Spread of Debilitating Virus Hitting U.S.
President Of America’s Largest Teachers Union Sorry For Calling Disabled Kids ‘Chronically TARDED’
Black former Kean U. student faked threats to kill black protestors
Black Friday Background Checks ‘Shattered Single-Day Record’
Archaeologists Discover 2,700-Year-Old Seal Impression of Biblical King in Jerusalem
Decapitated children found in passage leading to mysterious sealed chambers: Ancient Mexican tunnel could be the gateway to secret tomb of Aztec
BREAKING NEWS Paris terror plot mastermind 'is DEAD': Belgian jihadi leader 'was killed by French commandos in raid on flat'
Hours After Obama Taunts GOP With ‘Widows’ Female Suicide Bomber Explodes In Paris
John Kerry: Hebdo Attacks Make Way More Sense Than Paris Attacks
Gun Sales, Concealed Permit Applications Surge After Paris Attacks
Univ. of Vermont holds privilege retreat for students who 'self-identify as white'
Since Paris Attacks All 132 Syria Refugees Have Been Sunni Muslims, Zero Christians
What Do Yale, Missou, Alinksy, Cloward-Piven and Obama's Organizing for Action Add Up To?
Man Fighting FBI Gag Order Finally Granted Right to Speak Fully About the Case After 11 Years
Columbia University Deliberately ‘Distorted’ Docs, Interviews To Smear Exxon On Global Warming
Spike Lee predicts sex strikes on college campuses
Universities Have Become Totalitarian Gulags
National Review Helps Clear Way For Rubio With War On Trump
Google's driverless car is pulled over by police for driving too SLOW
California School Allows Students to Draw Muhammad
The GOP Debate: Missing the Banana Boat on Immigration
NATO Member Shoots Down Russian Fighter Jet On Syria Border
Feminist Teacher's Lesson Plan: Discriminate against Boys
Dallas Mayor Who Fears White People Lives In 92 Percent White Neighborhood
‘Breitbart News Daily’ Callers Urge Americans to Read Quran to ‘Know the Enemy,’ Discover Islam Not Religion of Peace
Dozens dead in series of Paris terror attacks as Kalashnikov-wielding gunman opens fire in restaurant, 100 hostages are taken at theatre and two blasts are heard near the Stade de France
Paris attacks: France declares state of emergency after dozens killed – live
Around 100 dead in attack on Paris concert hall: Police source
Police storming Paris concert hall where hostage situation taking place
Migrant crisis pushing Germany towards ‘anarchy and civil war’
VW reveals CO2 emissions problem in 800,000 vehicles
Apocalypse now: has the next giant financial crash already begun?
Missouri Lt. Gov Kinder Blames Left, Calls Missouri Events ‘Appalling’
A Plague of Unruly Children
Claremont students feel marginalized, demand resources and resignations
UC to Join ‘Million Student March’
How America Failed to Keep the Republic
Donald Trump: ‘Terrible Person’ Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Obama's EEOC Accommodates Muslim Religious Beliefs
Economist Thomas Sowell’s Conservative Perspective On Poverty And Inequality
‘Shocking and Incredible’: Former Prosecutor Says He’s ‘Never’ Seen Gov’t Agency React Like This to Investigation
Priest Invites ISIS Leaders to Dinner, They RSVP: We'll Chop Off Your Head
Trafficking: One woman's journey from Staten Island slavery to her own boss
Migrant Hordes Overwhelm Slovenia, As Prime Minister Warns Crisis Will Be The End Of The EU
Cosmic rays to unravel Egypt's secrets
Hillary Clinton Gets Called Out For Gay Marriage Revisionism
Mike Tyson Makes Surprise 2016 Endorsement: ‘He Should be President of the United States’
The truth experts won't admit: Drink PREVENTS dementia! It's the OPPOSITE of what we're told
Poll: Carson, Trump Beat Hillary in Florida; Jeb, Rubio Lose
Obama’s Secret Migration Plan; Work-Permits For Millions of Foreign Professionals
Administrators literally shred Constitution after reporter calls it 'oppressive' and 'triggering'
New CDC Data Blows Away Popular E-Cigarette Criticism
Daily Beast: Obama, Hillary Toying With ‘Civil War’ Over Gun Confiscation
Is global warming
cooling YOUR sex life
? Rising temperatures linked to drop in birth rates
What Scientists Really Think About
Global Warming
Scientists Expose
Climate Shysterism
and Flim-Flammery
: Wind Electricity Several Times as Expensive as Conventional Sources
RE: DAPA Fifth Circuit Tells Obama, No!--Rulings
And This One;
The Two Questions Mark Levin Would Ask at Tuesday’s GOP Presidential Debate
H17 Brought Down By Russian Missile Fired From Ukraine
DNC Chair Doesn’t Believe Hillary’s Emails Should Be Debated
CAIR Demands Tennessee 7th Graders Learn ‘Muhammad Is The Messenger Of God’
TN Hits Back Against 'Islamic Indoctrination' in Schools with New Bill
Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is ‘America’s Number One National Security Problem’
GQ: ‘F*ck Ben Carson’ For Preaching Self Defense
McCarthy abandons speaker race as House asks: Who wants this job?
Number of Sanctuary Cities Climbs to 340
Obama to nominate first openly gay service secretary to lead the Army
The Myth of Judicial Supremacy
Post-Debate Poll: Trump Increases Lead; Fiorina Leaps, Carson Sinks
Liberalism and Munchausen Syndrome: The Perfect Fit
Trump Releases Policy Paper On Guns: ‘Our Personal Protection Is Ultimately Up To Us’
Why does Paul Ryan say new budget deal is terrible?
House Republicans begin impeachment against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen;
Seventh Grader Reports Teacher Instructed Class God Is a Myth
Glenn Beck: ‘If We Choose’ to Do This, ‘We Will Turn Into Darkest Nation Ever to Grace the Earth’
Black Sheriff Responds To ‘Uncle Tom’ Taunt By New York Daily News Columnist And Black Lives Matter Activist
House Freedom Caucus Endorses Daniel Webster for Speakership, Against McCarthy
Guns Don't Kill People, Liberalism Does
Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins blast leftists for 'betrayal' of free speech
The FBI To Seize A Second Device From Hillary Clinton’s IT Company
Trey Gowdy: ‘If I Had One Draft Choice and I Was Starting a New Country,’ Here’s Who I’d Pick to Run It
Confirmed, Again: Paul Ryan Is Not Running For Speaker Of The House
Reporter Asks DNC Chair Schultz If Her Children Were Human Beings As Fetuses
Explaining the Latest Nobel Prize in Physics
Marc Lamont Hill: Clinton Plays To ‘People’s Insecurities And Fears’
Indiana Sheriff Goes on the Record With Vow to President Obama on Future Executive Actions on Gun Control
Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on Fire: 27 Hillary Fibs, Obfuscations, and Lies
TX Rancher Fighting the Feds Over Land Grab
Watch: Chicago Food Stamp Funds Get Used to Buy Drugs
Watch MSNBC Hosts’ Stunned Reaction to Donald Trump’s Chillingly Accurate Prediction Made in Book Months Before 9/11
The Ivory Tower Continues to Crumble
Questioning 'Black Lives Matter' costs student paper $17k
Axelrod To Obama: ‘Go F**k Yourself’
Paul Ryan’s Support Slips As Questions Arise About Whether He Could Get Enough Votes
The Sierra Club Responded To Getting Schooled By Ted Cruz On Global Warming, And They’re Still Wrong
The stealthy, Eric Schmidt-backed startup that’s working to put Hillary Clinton in the White House
Roseburg, Oregon Protests Obama Visit: ‘Chicago Needs You’
This May Be One of the Only Times You Will See an Actor This Famous Make a Statement This Bold on Abortion
What Really Drives Obama's Destructive Mideast Policy?
Clemson University apologizes for serving Mexican food
Biden Takes DIRECT Shots At Hillary Clinton
Paul Ryan Demands Repeal of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson’s Rule
So Much for 'Je Suis Charlie': Swedish Artist Investigated for Satire of Muslim Refugees
‘They Told You That?’: Mother of Benghazi Hero Leaves CNN Host Visibly Stunned After Recalling What She Says Gov’t Told Her
Paris Climate Conference is likely to fail
Mizzou student labeled 'Uncle Tom' for defending Thomas Jefferson statue
Obama Admin. Releases Guide for Educators To Meet Illegal Immigrant Needs
YouTube to launch $9.99 ad-free 'Red' subscription service that will include music, original movies and TV shows fronted by PewDiePie and other stars
The shocking images that reveal the true horror of syphilis
Video Proof: CNN Caught Lying About Trump – Obama Does Back Gun Confiscation
The Left Has Its Pope
Carly Fiorina Is the New Mitt Romney
Clock Teen Ahmed Given VIP Treatment at Google
This Japanese CEO Makes His Executives Climb a Mountain Every Year
Why Scott Walker's supernova campaign burned out
Conservatives Consider Coalition Gambit to Depose Boehner
Bitter Truce: Fox News’ Ailes ‘Furious’ at National Review’s Rich Lowry for Forcing Fox to Cede ‘Moral High Ground’ to Donald Trump
Rare phenomenon will be seen throughout most of the world this weekend (and some say it could spell the end of the world)
Pro-life message silenced at UNC
O’Reilly Has a Suggestion for DNC Chair Debbie Wassmeran-Schultz After Her ‘Vicious’ Attack on Rubio
Did Jeb Bush Steal His Trump Attack From ‘House of Cards’?
Infiltrating the #BlackLivesMatter Cult
Fed tightening 'threatens disaster for debt saturated global economy'
President Obama Orders Behavioral Experiments On American Public
Why is Germany embracing refugees? It's not simply post-Nazi guilt
Glenn Continues Attack on Tea Party, Cites Rick ‘Gollum-in-Glasses’ Wilson
Meadows: Boehner Must Really Defund Planned Parenthood, Not Pretend To Defund It
Berkeley attempts to circumvent ban on affirmative action
Obama's House of Cards
Mark Zuckerberg fires warning shot at Donald Trump before debate
Ex-Bismarck mayor fights to save Fighting Sioux nickname
Top 10 Global Warming Lies
Michigan Admits It Screwed Up By Suspending Student For Rape
Alaska Senator Skewers EPA Administrator During Gold King Mine Spill Hearing: ‘Your Agency Has Sent Some People to Jail’
Why Trump Terrifies the Establishment
Germany’s Chancellor Merkel ‘Sending Wrong Signal’ To Europe On Migrants
DNC Chair On GOP: ‘This Pisses Me Off’
Carly Fiorina: Throw Boehner, McConnell Out if They Don’t Deliver Any Results in Fall
Gov’t Will Seize Nevada Family’s Property Near Area 51 If They Won’t Accept the Air Force’s ‘Last Best Offer’
Obama Praises Unions for Building 'Great American Middle Class'
The many motivations behind Obama's paid sick leave plan
Yale Establishes Islamic Law Center Thanks to $10M from Saudi Sharia-Banker, Alleged Bin Laden Financier
The US and China: Will it be collision or cooperation?
Crowned ‘Miss America’ Calls Tom Brady A Cheater
Black Violence Matters
The Dictionary Of The Modern Campus Activist
Kasich Channels McConnell on Planned Parenthood: GOP Doesn’t Need Unpopular Government Shutdown
Iran’s Supreme Leader Releases New Video: ‘If Any War Happens…’
Rick Wilson Asks Ann Coulter If Donald Trump ‘Pays More for Anal’
Which GOP Contender Would Keep His Word in the White House?
Univ. of Alaska institutes 'affirmative consent'
Latino Immigrant Blasts City over Illegal Aliens
The Slippery Slope of Same-Sex Marriage: 'Robot Love' Next?
Mathematicians find new 'perfect shape' that solves one of their most complex problems
Going to the gym WON'T help you lose weight – you need to eat less
New Website?: 'Have you been sexually harassed by Bill Clinton?'
State Dept. Inspector General Contradicts Clinton: Emails ‘Contained Classified Information When They Were Generated’
Top Trump Aide: Huckabee Right on Holocaust Comments
#BlackLivesMatter but not at Planned Parenthood
Mark Levin: It Is Time for Mitch McConnell and John Boehner to Resign
Four Marines killed and one critical after 24-year-old gunman named Muhammad Abdulazeez
Pelosi: ‘No, No,’ Release of 4 U.S. Hostages Held by Iran Should Not Be Part of Nuke Deal
Prof.: blacks perpetuate racism by believing in American Dream
The Big Gay Lie
Did the Americans beat Sputnik to space?
Putting Women in Combat Is an Even Worse Idea Than You’d Think
Illegal Immigrant Deported 6 Times Charged in Felony Hit-and-Run of Family that Injured Young Children
Obama Immigration Rules Put 'Criminals Back on Streets'
Donald Trump's Criminal Illegal Immigrants
Williams: Second Amendment Exists to Protect Us From Government
S.F. Sheriff Defends Releasing Killer
Nobel Laureate Says Obama's 'Dead Wrong' on Global Warming
Univision’s Jorge Ramos Betrays Mexico for Wealth and Fame In America
Report Claims Desperate Greek Banks May Raid Customers’ Accounts for Cash
This Independence Day, We Need James Otis
Judge Says Federal Officials Must Personally Appear In Court For Violating Amnesty Injunction
GOP Reaching Millennials
¡Viva California! Latinos Now Outnumber Whites
MS-13 Gang Members Indicted in Maryland Murder Plots Were In US Illegally
Malkin: Is Your Church Abetting Sanctuary Nation?
Trump Leads in North Carolina
Treason of the Cities
Greek banks face closures, bailout or not - sources
Map Reveals Vast Network of ‘Sanctuaries’ for Dangerous Illegal Aliens
Kiss of Death: Disgraced Former Majority Leader Eric Cantor to Head Bush’s Campaign in Virginia
Christian prof. claims he was fired for mentioning God
Boehner Accidentally Campaigns For Cruz
The State of Climate Science
Are you a worrier? Chances are you're a GENIUS: Neurotic people are more likely to be imaginative and creative
Security Has to Get Involved When Black Transgender Lives Matter Activists Disrupt Clinton Event
AFL-CIO may delay endorsement of Clinton as 2016 presidential candidate
Are 'The Cubs of the Caliphate' Headed for America's Classrooms?
State forbids pastors calling homosexuality 'sinful'
Congress Must Hold Obama Accountable for His Deception Over Iran
DNC speaks to empty College Democrat event
Poll: Donald Trump Leads GOP Field by Double-Digits, with Double the Support of Jeb Bush
NY Times Changes Clinton Email Story
White House aware of Rolling Stone gang rape story prior to publication
China Markets Live - Rout in Shanghai and Shenzhen tightens grip, Hong Kong swings back into red
Silicon Valley Is Headed for Disaster, and No One Can Save It
Apple Stock Reacts After Tim Cook Email Praises China Sales
Howard Stern: Trump Will Win GOP Nomination
Joe Biden’s Son: Ashley Madison Account Was Created In My Name By America’s Enemies
Jeb Bush: Dreamers Deserve a Path to Citizenship
Fed study: degrees didn't protect blacks, Latinos from downturn
Beck Warns That ‘Something Bad Is Coming Our Way’ as Stock Market Tumbles
U. Wisconsin official: let's stop prosecuting shoplifting
EPA Insiders Knew 'Blowout' Risk of Contaminated Water Inside Mine, Did Nothing
Why We Have More Than 40 Million Functional Illiterates
Donald Trump Wins Praise From Experts With New Immigration Plan
Yale college master puts end to 'racial and gendered' title
Ben Carson To Tour Border After Thousands-Strong Phoenix Rally
'Death to America' and 'Black Lives Matter'
Morgan Freeman's granddaughter dies in 'exorcism' after 'lover' stabbed her
The Political Persecution of Dinesh D’Souza
Judge Richard Berman Needs His Head Examined, Not Dinesh D'Souza
College Professor: ‘Terrifying’ How Many ‘Similarities’ Exist Between This 2016 Candidate & Hitler
Welcome to Iceworld: Stunning first hi-def image of Pluto
Malaysia confirms plane debris is from Flight MH370
Lead U.S. Negotiator Says She Didn't See 'Final Documents' in Iran Deal
Obama: Rejecting Iran Deal Will Ensure ‘Rockets Falling On Tel Aviv’
In ‘Contentious’ Meeting, Obama Warns Jewish Leaders What Will Happen if Congress Rejects Iran Deal
Turning the Tables: The Decadence of 2007 and 2015
Kelly Osbourne Latino Comment: She’s Exposed the Racist, Corporate-Left Immigration Argument
California student union doesn't like cops
Peer Review Is Not What It's Cracked Up To Be
Hasselbeck: Why Hasn’t Black Lives Matter Been Classified as a Hate Group?
Mt. McKinley Renamed on Eve of Obama's Alaska Global Warming Trip
Victim-hood-ism, Guns, Hillary, and the Virginia Shooter
Professors threaten bad grades for saying ‘illegal alien,’ ‘male,’ ‘female’
Sheriff Clarke: Obama Started 'War on Police'
State Dept In ‘Clear Violation Of The Law’ By Not Investigating Hillary
The Senate Must Sue Obama to Block the Iran Treaty
Oldest Koran ‘Destabilises’ Islamic History, Scientists Say It Pre-dates Mohammed
How an obsession with healthy eating could be making you ILL
Five Things to Know About the Federal Judge Who Sent the Kentucky Clerk to Jail
The march of the migrants: Astonishing scenes as thousands of furious refugees abandon Budapest station to begin WALKING 100 miles to Austrian border
Hillary Clinton On Using Private Email: ‘Not The Best Choice’
A Brief History of White Privilege
Bob Geldof says he'll take in four migrant families as he lambasts politicians' response to crisis as a 'sickening disgrace'
Huckabee: Jailing Kim Davis Is Christian Persecution
Survival in the Age of EMP
Clinton Aide: Don't Know What Wiped Means
Wisconsin Mob: ‘We Need to Start Killing These Officers'; Punched Police Officer
Devastating Iran Deal Video: The Devil Is In The Details
Arms Control Experts to Obama: Your Iran Deal Is ‘Not Verifiable'
Alan Dershowitz: Obama Is 'Childish, Petty, Vengeful' on Israel
Clerk's resistance to gay marriage lands her in jail
Harvard raises bar for recognition of gender-neutral pronouns
Liberal and Establishment Arguments for Birthright Citizenship Fail
Hillary -- Don't Look Down!
Illegal immigrant granted $15K scholarship in Calif.
Hillary Clinton’s Aides Could Face Prosecution for Mishandling Classified Material
Coulter: Fox News Anchored in Stupidity on 14th Amendment
Bakers Who Were Fined $135,000 for Gay Wedding Cake Refusal Deliver a Major Surprise
Mizzou grad students lose health insurance thanks to Obamacare
Hackers dump SECOND, even bigger batch of Ashley Madison records with taunting message to millionaire founder of 'cheating dirtbag' site
Jeff Sessions, Ron Johnson Introduce ‘Protecting American Lives Act’ To Stop Sanctuary Cities
Appeasing Iran Ignores the Lessons of History
Obama faces political minefield during Kenyan 'homecoming'
House Dems Cry For Probe Into Group Over Planned Parenthood Videos
Fmr Planned Parenthood Director: Organ ‘Harvesting’ Is ‘Big Business’ For Them
IS captive: "They were punishing us with detention and rape"
Protesters at UC Berkeley get nude for trees
Illegals Committed 600,000 Crimes in Texas in 6 years
The Cold Civil War
Donald Trump Warns RNC of Third-Party Run
'Anchor Baby' Flap Shows Left Losing Grip
Trump Calls Out Race-Baiting ABC News Reporter Tom Llamas
Rutgers: No such thing as 'free' speech
New York Mag: Trump Won’t Quit Until He Takes Down Bush
Cruz Accuses Megyn Kelly of Asking ‘Mainstream Media Liberal’ Question
Watchdog Wins Big FOIA Decision In Federal Appeals Court
Pollster Absolutely Astonished By Focus Group Results on Donald Trump: ‘My Legs Are Shaking’
REPORT: Fox Boss Roger Ailes Vows to Save Country from Trump, Calls The Donald ‘Unelectable’
Read the Scathing Open-Letter Charlie Daniels Just Penned to Congress Over Iran Deal: ‘Pathetic Excuses for Public Servants’
GRAPHIC: Shocking Complete Video Shot From Virginia Gunman’s Point of View
McKim: Is Illegal Immigration Behind Soaring U.S. Murder Rate?
Islam's 'Fair-Haired Women' Problem
Planned Parenthood Is Too Cowardly to Acknowledge Its Own Barbarity
DNC Chair STILL Doesn’t Know The Difference Between ‘Democrats’ And ‘Socialists’
Jon Stewart Is a ‘Tool’ of the Obama Administration
Trump Promises 'To Be Me' in Debate: 'Don't Want to Be Unreal'
TV's Norman Lear: I'm a bleeding-heart conservative
Saving Lions by Killing Them
Planned Parenthood Doctor on How to Avoid Getting Caught Selling Baby Parts
Trigger Warning: Don't Say 'American' - It's Offensive
Mother's leg doubles in size after false widow spider climbs into her BED and bites her on the leg
GOP Lawmakers: Defund Planned Parenthood or Risk a Govt Shutdown
The Pope as Trophy-Chaplain to the Democratic Party
Trumping Donald: How Conservative Candidates Can Boost Their Polling Numbers
Windows 10 is here: Microsoft finally launches 'last version' of its OS as experts give it a...
La Raza Chief: Trump a ‘Name-Caller,’ Jeb ‘Thoughtful’ on Immigration
Illegal Alien Crime Accounts for over 30% of Murders in Many States
Law prof. blasts conservative SCOTUS justices
‘Inside Edition’s’ Zoey Tur Threatens to ‘Curb-Stomp’ Ben Shapiro
ISIS film a CHILD carrying out a beheading for the first time
White House: Planned Parenthood Follows Highest Ethical Guidelines On Medical Research
The DC EXCLUSIVE: Interview With The Gay Porn Star Behind That Terrible Gawker Article
N.J. university healthcare plans to cover genital reconstruction surgery
Donations Swelling for Christian Bakers
Stop Bashing Donald Trump Supporters, You Yuge Losers
Wall St down 1 percent as cheaper yuan hits commodities
How Obama Misled Us about the Concessions He Was Making to Iran
VIDEO: Millennials can’t distinguish Democrats, socialists
Three Signs the EPA/Army Corps Water Rule is a Disaster
What the Earth would look like stripped of oceans
Exclusive: RNC Chairman Reince Priebus to Meet with Donald Trump to Discuss ‘Loyalty Pledge’
Obama secures Iran deal victory in Senate: what changed Democrats' minds
PBS Anchor Mocks Netanyahu After Dems Secure Obama's Iran Deal
7 Dead From Legionnaires’ Disease At Quincy Veterans’ Home
Cheapening, Devaluing, and Diluting Citizenship
College historians say Jefferson Davis statue is offensive, must be removed
New Clinton Violations In Use Of Thumb Drives For Emails
12 Quotes About Freedom That Will Never Stop Being True
See the Scathing Note Donald Trump Penned to Former NBA Player Who Wrote Essay Critical of Him
Director of Taylor Swift’s Africa Music Video Fires Back at Critics Who Wanted More Black Actors
Geller: Muslim Stewardess Refuses to Serve Alcohol, Then Plays the Victim
Oregon Threatens Home of Christian Bakers
America, the Beautiful
Parents of Teen Murdered By Illegal Immigrant Speak Out, Back Trump For President
High School Test Question Asks for Definition of ‘Family.’ This Student’s Answer Was Deemed Incorrect
Greek deal in sight as Germany bows to huge global pressure for debt relief
Andy McCarthy: Obama's Shredding of the Constitution
Lincoln on the Same-Sex Marriage Decision
Kengor: Barack and Valerie's Great Communist Marriage
New EPA Regulations Ban Production and Sale of Most Wood-Burning Stoves
States Should Ignore Clean Power Plant Regulations, McConnell Says
StemExpress Trying To Block Public From Knowing They Take 'Fully Intact Fetuses'
BN Exclusive — Palin: Trump Stumps Media Kingmakers
Daily Beast: Obama Administration Hiding Unclassified Iran Documents
Baltimore Cops’ Attorneys Just Made Two Explosive Claims In Freddie Gray Case
Planned Parenthood’s Mammogram Lie
Zimbabwe calls for extradition of Cecil the lion's killer
Exposed: America's Enemies Within
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do
A Paradigm Change: Re-directing public concern from Global Warming to Global Cooling
Hold the phone, Central! Cellphone radiation can cause cancer: study
UCLA student: criticism of my tampon column was sexist
Republican Party Uses State of the Union Response to Attack Donald Trump
Pollster Frank Luntz Says His Focus Group ‘Actually Let Out a Howl’ When Obama Made This SOTU Remark
Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me About Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party
Rubio stands by his support of in-state tuition for undocumented students
Coulter: Trump Should Deport Nikki Haley
UCSB to host discussion on 'safe spaces' for 'fat, gay men'
The Five Most Outrageous Facts About Obama’s Executive Gun Control
Unusual Clinton Payments To DNC Create Conflict Of Interest
What the cultural and political establishments can't grasp about Donald Trump
Hillary: ‘Delighted’ By Gun Control Exec Action
Obama 'best gun salesman' on Earth
The Left's Retreat to Fantasy
Liberal Columnist: Clinton’s Behavior ‘Far Worse Than’ Anything Trump Has Said
Islamic State Fatwa Codifies Sex with Female Slaves
USC prof. says Trump supporters are 'least educated segment of the population'
Mob Rips Apart Afghan Woman Falsely Accused of Burning Koran
Bloomberg Business: Executive Gun Control Coming ‘Soon After New Year’s Day’
‘I Emphatically Refuse’: Muslim ACLU Activist Explains Why She Won’t Condemn Islamic Terrorism
‘Social Jihad’: Why a New Jersey Imam is Calling on American Muslims to Join the U.S. Army, FBI and CIA
Oklahoma Muslim Accused of Beheading Co-Worker Stands Before Judge
Baltimore Judge Guts the 5th Amendment
State Dept. Dumps Thousands of Hillary Clinton Emails at 2 a.m. — Here’s One of the Messages That’s Garnering Attention
Watch Taya Kyle Confront Obama During Town Hall Event On Guns In America
10 Reasons to Be Suspicious of CAIR
Emory prof. to all white Americans: ‘You are racist’
New York Can Fine You $250k For ‘Misgendering’ Somebody
Anonymous Claims to Have Thwarted Islamic State Attack on Italy
Actor Samuel L. Jackson Confesses His First Thoughts on San Bernardino Attack: ‘I Really Wanted That to Just Be Another, You Know, Crazy White Dude’
Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill Funds ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’
Yes, We Can Deport 12 Million
Washington state rep. drafts bill to do away with ‘safe spaces’
Is Islam Reformable?
Pat Caddell: Country Closer to Revolution Than Ever
Did the ROMANS discover America?
Being angry at work could be GOOD for you: Researchers say 'moral anger' can actually improve workplaces
One Million Migrants Entered Europe This Year
The Liberal Christmas from Hell
UC Irvine prof. wonders if 200,000 jobs lost to minimum wage increase is a good thing
The Revolution We Need
We Ran Hillary Clinton’s Symptoms Through WebMD And The Diagnosis Isn’t Pretty
Forget global warming, pollution can actually COOL the planet: Aerosols from burning fossil fuels may protect some regions
Why People Can't Face the Truth about Obama
Mosques Surveillance Needed, ‘That’s Where The Threat Is Coming From’;
Dr. Tawfik Hamid Advocates Criminalizing Radical Islamist Teaching In U.S.
‘Is Islam Compatible With American Values?’
Profs. respond to Justice Scalia: white students ‘overrepresented’
NYC School System Blames Principal For Ban On Santa, Thanksgiving, Pledge Of Allegiance
EPA Violated Federal Laws Pushing 'Covert Propaganda'
One thousand Los Angeles schools shut down over 'credible terror threat': 640,000 students sent home after 'backpack bomb alert'
Rick Santorum on Omnibus: Defund Syrian Refugee Program, ‘Not All Muslims are Jihadists, But All Jihadists are Muslims'
The White House has a Problem With Ted Cruz’s Tweets About the Islamic State
Immigration and Our Founding Fathers' Values
Clinton Ally David Brock: ‘Cruz Will End Up As The Nominee’
UMD tells students to use 'undocumented citizen' not 'illegal alien'
Carson Threatens To Leave GOP — ‘Will Assess His Party Participation Going Forward’
Too much sleep is 'AS bad for your health as smoking and drinking alcohol'
White House Says ‘Grotesque’ Donald Trump ‘Disqualified’ over Muslim Immigration Comments, Mocks His Hair
US Navy's largest ever 'stealth' destroyer heads out to sea on its maiden voyage
Yale administrators succumb to anti-speech activists
San Bernardino Shooting Day Two: The Jihadis Next Door
Obama's Real Legacy: Ten Ticking Time Bombs
Reporter Asks NFL Legend Deion Sanders About Gun Violence in Wake of San Bernardino Shooting — Listen to His Piercing Response
Killer couple's links to international terror: US-born gunman was 'in touch with known terror suspects and radicalized online'
Shooter’s Neighbor Didn’t Report ‘Suspicious Activity’ For Fear Of Being Labeled Racist
Former Miss Ohio USA, OSU law student threatened over pro-life op-ed
Executive Action Imminent To Expand Background Checks For Gun-Buyers
Irvine Biology Prof. Uses Class Time to Push Gun Control
Colorado ACLU Board Member: Shoot Trump Voters ‘Before Election Day’
Why Does Obama Call ISIS 'ISIL'?
GOP Establishment Preparing for a Brokered Convention Behind Closed Doors
Conn. Governor Will Ban Anybody On Terrorism Watch Lists From Buying Guns
Could this finally end the agony of back pain?
San Bernardino Shooting: Obama Calls for Gun Control
At Least 14 Dead, 14 More Wounded In San Bernardino Shooting
ISIS claims to have murdered Russian 'spy' in latest beheading video as Jihadi threatens Vladimir Putin
NYC At Higher Risk Due To Political Correctness
Harvard Plans Divisive Anti-America Conference
Univ. of Arkansas prevents prof. from studying race-based admissions data
Georgia Sheriff Puts Up ‘Politically Incorrect’ Sign Outside His Office — and It Includes Advice for People Who Don’t Like It
Why Kids Can't Read
Graphic Video of Chicago Police Officer Fatally Shooting 17-Year-Old Released to Public
Ted Cruz Reacts to San Bernardino: Now, More Than Ever, Americans Must Be Armed
Beck On Obama: Either ‘Delusional’ Or ‘The Dumbest Son Of A Bitch On The Planet’
The Alpha Male at Bay
Senate Vote Guts Obamacare’s Key Features, Defunds Planned Parenthood
Cornell: Mistletoe doesn’t create ‘environment of inclusion’
San Bernardino Shooting: Political Correctness Kills
'Cowgirl' cousin did NOT blow herself up... but
Bodies lie piled up in pools of blood in gore-spattered corridors of hotel where at least 27 hostages were slaughtered by gunmen as one-eyed 'Marlboro Man' jihadist
Which GOP Candidate Is Best Equipped to Fight ISIS?
Islamic influx: Why a Religious Test for Immigrants is Moral and Wise
Cornell professors display artwork depicting GOP as terrorists, rapists
Kerry Labels Al-Qaida Leadership ‘Neutralized’ Hours Before Group Attacks Mali Hotel
Kentucky Gov.-Elect Matt Bevin Calls Political Cartoon Depicting Him and His Children an ‘Overtly Racist Attack’ — and the Cartoonist Responds
Obama Really Doesn't Like People
Dems Plan To Investigate Oil Companies For Questioning Global Warming
Pomona College to host 'people of color-only’ art show
Clinton Ally John Podesta: ‘Hillary’s Strategy to Defeat Isis’ is to ‘Defeat ISIS’
Live Stream of Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro ‘Truth Is a Microaggression’ Lecture at the University of Missouri
Anonymous Just Took Down Thousands of ISIS Twitter Accounts
Heads Start To Roll After Secret Service Leak Of Embarrassing Chaffetz Info
AG Lynch Assures Screening Process for Syrian Refugees 'Robust'
NH GOP Chief Jennifer Horn Fights Resignation Calls After She Slams Trump
After Paris I Understand Winston Churchill's Relief
The Pilgrims Were Definitely Not Like Modern-Day Refugees
ISIS Propaganda Video Taunts USA, 'Bring It On,' Mocks Soldier Suicides
ISIS vows to attack Washington next in chilling new video and vows EVERY nation involved in Syrian airstrikes will 'suffer France's fate' as CIA director warns 'this is not a one-off'
Trump Calls for ‘Study’ of Mosques After Paris Terror Attacks
Texas, Alabama, Michigan, Indiana Tell Obama: We Won’t Accept Any Syrian Refugees
Why Even the Thinking Left Owns Paris
Hillary Clinton ‘Often Confused’
Veterans Day: The American Devotion to Military Service
The Left Eats Its Own at MU
Yale student protesters allegedly spit on free speech advocates
Focus Group: Kasich Irked New Hampshire Voters During Debate
Donald Trump: We Will Have a ‘Deportation Force’
Obama Will Appeal To SCOTUS
Retired Navy SEAL Tells Us What People Should Think About on Veterans Day
Five cups of black tea a day 'cut risk of a stroke and diabetes'
Islamic State: ‘The Threat to the United States’
UC Berkeley housing co-op establishes safe space guidelines
Exposed: Obama's Love for Jihadis and Hate for Christians
Interactive Map Shows Radical Mosques Across U.S.
Bill Rape Accuser Blasts ‘Evil’ Hillary: ‘Shame on you!’
150 on flight from Mexico allowed to skip customs, leave JFK airport
The Real Problem on Today's College Campus
First footage of Paris terror attacks shows diners diving for cover as AK47-wielding jihadist sprays café with bullets
In the Wake of Paris Attacks, Fox News Host Greg Gutfeld Offers ‘One Solution’ to Combat Terrorism at Home
Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism
Incoming Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin Tells EPA to ‘Pound Sand’ on Big Issue
Politico Shock Claim: ‘Carson Admits Fabricating West Point Scholarship’
Clinton Signed NDA Laying Out Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info
Black-Robed Neo-Monarchs v. The People
Britain MUST start bombing ISIS in Syria if terror group brought down Russian plane, says Michael Fallon
UC Merced Mass Stabber’s Manifesto References Allah, Reveals Plan to Ambush Police, Steal Their Guns
Women are 'either bisexual or gay but NEVER straight': Females become aroused by naked videos of both sexes
Paris attacks fuel anti-migrant backlash. Will Europe's door stay open?
Paul Ryan Calls for ‘Pause’ in Syrian Refugee Plan
Gutierrez: Republican Governors Blocking Syrian Refugees “Despicable And Cowardly”
Jihadists Crippling the West from Within
Dartmouth students want to dump Dr. Seuss for social justice
There’s ‘Not a More Stunning Indictment’ of Obama’s Presidency Than This Statement on Fight Against Islamic State
Clinton's Southern strategy? Hillary fakes her accent for local crowd
Jeb Bush Admitted ‘Leaky’ Immigration Led to 9/11
Climate Change and Leftist Hypocrisy
Student Sues College Because It Refused to Let Her Start a Conservative Club: It’s ‘Censorship. Pure and Simple’
Ben Carson to Congress: Exercise Your Authority or Be Run Over
ACLU sues Mo. schools for denying tuition benefits to illegal immigrants
Cornell prof.: hiring Republicans would decrease faculty quality
French launch series of 'massive' air strikes on Isis targets in Raqqa including jihadi recruitment centre and training camp
Islamic Terror in Paris Could Spell Trouble for Mexico’s Syrian Refugee Program
Banquet of Consequences
After Paris, Pope Francis Tells Christians to Be Ready for the End of the World
Student govt wants USC to take in Syrian refugees
Dartmouth students lead profane Black Lives Matter protest
Could humans the size of CHICKENS be the future of mankind? Expert claims mini-people would make Earth more sustainable
Scholars Expose Student Radicalization Across College Campuses
Ben Carson Vows to Not Raise Debt Ceiling, if President Will Address Budget ‘Immediately’
ISIS Posting Pics of Babies with Knives to Celebrate Jewish Stabbings
Liberal Catholic profs. go after conservative Catholic Ross Douthat
Michael Savage's Government Zero
Immigration - The State vs. the People
Students In California School District Now Guaranteed ‘C’ Grades For DOING NOTHING
Mark Levin: ‘Destroy-the-Constitution’ TPP Deal Would Allow Obama to ‘Take Us to Fast Track to Hell’
THE PRESIDENT HAS RESIGNED Univ. of MIssouri Football Players Demand President Resign over Racial Incidents
When 'Civility' Really Means 'Political Correctness'
UC Berkeley Dems to frame GOP as racist during Tuesday's debate
Taxpayer-Funded Diversity Bureaucrats Hound Professor, Compare Reagan Library To KKK CAMP
From England's pews, a quiet abolitionist finds his voice on slavery
Carson Says Mainstream Media Can’t Stand Thought of a Black Conservative
Too Many Black People in Prison -- And Other Fairy Tales
Welfare Perpetuates Poverty, Buys Votes
Jerry Brown Signs Bill That Could Let Illegal Aliens Vote
UT Students Carrying Sex Toys to Class to Protest Campus Carry
‘This Is the Video Hillary Doesn’t Want You to See’ Ahead of First Democratic Debate
CA Gov. Bans Schools from Using 'Redskins' Name
‘Immigration Without Assimilation Is an Invasion’
The DOE is now in the High School Girls' Shower
Global Warming Activists Don’t Like When Someone Follows The Money
Emails Between Hillary Clinton and Petraeus Discovered, Contradicting Her Sworn Statement
Notre Dame to phase out coal, invest $100M in alternatives
Gay Men Want Kim Davis Back in Jail
John Boehner steps down: Self-sacrificing, but will it lead to better government?
Syrian Women Slam Male Migrants For Leaving, Ask ‘Who Will Protect Us?’
Bad China, Good China
UPenn Professor Anthea Butler: Brain-Surgeon Ben Carson Deserves ‘Coon of the Year’ Award
Sanctuary City Policies Will ‘No Longer be Tolerated in Texas,’ says Governor Abbott
Baker Fights Back After Gov’t Punishes Him for Refusing to Make Gay Wedding Cake
REPORT: 99.51% of top liberal arts prof. contributions go to Dems
False widow bite felt like I'd been hit by lightning bolt
Ben Carson Compares Abortion to Slavery
Modern slavery: Labor trafficking is everywhere and nowhere
13 of Mexico’s Worst Criminals and Cartel Bosses Extradited to U.S
Op-ed about Sharia draws ire of student government at UK
Those scientists who want to use RICO to prosecute AGW 'deniers' have a big problem
Pope Francis met Kim Davis: why it matters in fight over religious freedom
Valerie Jarrett Throws Hillary Under the Bus on Email Scandal
Hurricane Patricia Could Spell Massive Ongoing Border Crisis for U.S.
The Ultra-Reactionary Left
DOE guidelines aim to support illegal alien students
FBI Director Ties Spike In Urban Crime To Cops’ Fear Of Doing Their Jobs
DOJ Closes Two-Year Investigation Into IRS Targeting Scandal — There Will Be No Charges Filed
FEC Filings: Jeb Bush Finance Director May Have Made $1.3 Million Off Of Campaign
‘Potentially Catastrophic’: Most Powerful Hurricane on Record Makes Landfall in Mexico
The Hyperloop is coming! Construction of first test track in California to begin within WEEKS
With Syrian airstrikes, Putin casts Russia as everything US is not
FBI Director: Islamic State Recruiting ’24 Hours a Day’ in All 50 States
Team Boehner: Debt Ceiling Deal ‘Certainly Possible’
Police Raid on Abortionist’s Car Reveals 14 Containers of Human Tissue, Possibly Fetuses
Democratic “Debate”: A Party of Crazy Old People
Americans do not believe US can win war on terror
Pseudo-Historians Erase Scientists’ Early Caution on Global Warming
Nonpartisan Congressional Report: Mitch McConnell Worse than Harry Reid on Blocking Amendments, Debate in Senate
Hillary Clinton's Multiple Personality Disorder
Harvey Mudd goes 'Madd' with political correctness
'Gun Control' Is Actually Conservative Control
Donald Trump Labels Name ‘Redskins’ a ‘Positive’
Obama Warns Christians: Gay Rights More Important Than Religious Freedom
Public School Parents In Georgia Furious About Middle School Islam Lessons
The Moment Ben Carson’s Campaign Manager Shuts Down CNN Interview During ‘Muslim’ Exchange: ‘This Interview Is Over’
ISIS in America: how doomsday Muslim cult is turning kids against parents
Pelosi: planned Parenthood Videos Aren't Real
Blood moon paints the sky red: Stargazers around the world look to the heavens to witness lunar spectacle for first time in 33 years
The Nuclear Option: Pope Francis Threatens Legacy of Pope John Paul II, Ronald Reagan
Carson's Right -- Islam is Incompatible with the Constitution
Trump Announces Personal Boycott of Fox News – Fox Hits Back
Pope Francis’ Most Controversial Act During His U.S. Trip Is Infuriating Critics: ‘We Will Never Accept’ It
Pope Francis to Bishops: ‘Do Not Be Afraid to Welcome Immigrants’
Dr. Ben Carson: President Should Be ‘Sworn in on a Stack of Bibles, Not a Koran’
So Is Barack Obama a Muslim or What?
Understanding John Boehner, reluctant ringleader of GOP shutdown politics
UCSB teaches students to reconcile faith with homosexual behavior
Boehner On Dealing With Conservatives: ‘Garbage Men Get Used to the Smell of Bad Garbage’
The Southern Border and Our Army
Fed leaves key interest rate unchanged, citing low inflation
Now Croatian riot police are sent to deal with migrants after 9,000 arrive in the country, as Hungary faces condemnation for using tear gas to disperse crowds at its border
Revealed: Ten most common mistakes job hunters make on CVs and overused clichés that can put employers off
Trump Was Right — In Book, Jeb Credits His Wife For His Immigration Views
Report: 63 Catholic colleges have ties to Planned Parenthood
Why Prayer Has Failed Us in the Culture Wars...but Not Forever
U.S. judge rules Republicans can pursue Obamacare lawsuit
Rush Limbaugh Backs Ben Carson: Sharia Law and Constitutional Law Are Mutually Exclusive
Obamacare Marketplace Enrollment Falls to 9.9 Million, U.S. Says
Glenn Beck in His Own Words: ‘Maybe I Need to Leave the Media and Public Life’
Europe's Refugee Crisis: Violence, Demands, and Muslim Conquest
Missouri State sorority to accept transgender students
DOJ to Judge: Hillary Right to Have Private Account, Delete Emails
Republican Jindal latest to do battle with “narcissist” Trump
7th Graders in Tennessee Made to Recite ‘Allah Is the Only God’ in Public School
America’s Descent into Lawlessness
Report: college grads ignorant of the Constitution
Justice Department to executives: Watch your step
You Cannot Be a Christian and Be a Christian
Legal Immigrant Households Account for 75 Percent of Immigrant Welfare Use
Ayatollah Khamenei: Israel Won't Exist in 25 Years
Rush: Hewitt’s Questions To Trump ‘Further The Narrative’ Republicans ‘Aren’t Bright’
Rep. Mark Meadows Makes Move To Unseat John Boehner As Speaker Immediately
Planned Parenthood Hires Crisis Communication Firm Featuring Anita Dunn
Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos
Lawsuit: Black D.C. Gov. Workers Got ‘Honkey’ Boss Fired
Why it's healthier to cook with LARD than sunflower oil: Extraordinary experiment shows everything we've been told about cooking oils is wrong
‘El Chapo’ Guzman to Trump: ‘I’ll Make You Eat Your Words’
Mexican Illegal Alien Arrested for Allegedly Kidnapping, Raping 13-Year-Old
Obama Commutes Sentences of 46 Convicts
UCLA provides internship opportunities to illegal immigrants
Punch Leftists in the Mouth
Religious schools, seminary take next step in Obamacare fight
Lindsay Graham: Trump Is a Wrecking Ball
Jonah Goldberg and the Anti-Trump Bourgeoisie
Dallas Democrat Rally Exclusively en Español Compares Trump to Hitler
Wordclouding Hillary
South Carolina student group stymied by free speech zones
Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton’s Email Defense Is ‘Dumbfounding’
Matt Drudge Tweets Theory About DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ‘Why She Delayed Debates?’
The science of VIAGRA: Doctor reveals exactly how the little blue pill helps boost a man's performance in the bedroom
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Announces 10-Day Vacation
Beck Shocked by This ‘Disturbing’ John Kerry Quote: ‘Where the Hell Is the Press!’
Congress Accuses EPA Chief Of Lying, Mentions Criminal Prosecution
How About a little Compassion for We the People?
Goucher College forbids 'unwelcome fliration'
Cruz Goes Hard on Illegals
Men in ancient Egypt were given 8ft-long prenups
TIME TO GET TOUGH: Trump’s Blockbuster Policy Manifesto
Greece crisis: Eurozone reaches agreement on bailout deal
Illegal Aliens Murder at a Much Higher Rate Than US Citizens Do
National Science Foundation to grant $300K to make engineering more LGBTQ friendly
9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Sharia, Bans Seattle Counter-Terror Ad
A 'monster' emerges from the Baltic sea: Ferocious wooden figurehead that adorned a Danish warship surfaces after 500 years
U. Minnesota students urge diversity training for admissions
Univ. allows anonymous 'bias reports' of profs., students
'Aliens tried to save America from nuclear war': UFOs shot at missiles in White Sands to protect Earth, claims former astronaut
Donald Trump Heading to Texas Border
Court documents confirm White House adviser connected 'Jackie' with Rolling Stone
Apple shares plunge despite record iPhone sales and $10.7 BILLION profit in just three months
Kirsten Powers: Time to Crush Planned Parenthood
The Moral Rot at the Core of Planned Parenthood Is on Full Display
Scott Walker Retakes Commanding Iowa Lead
New Video Shows Another Planned Parenthood Doctor Haggling Price of Baby Body Parts
Donald Trump Launches Hotline for Veterans, Calls for American Flag to be at Half-Staff for Tennessee Shooting Victims
Obama's visit to Kenya is like all his African policy – merely symbolic
Could EGGS cure gluten intolerance? Scientists claim yolk could provide the antidote for coeliacs
Every Day, A New Way to Hate
Chris Christie Announces for 2016: We Can’t Give This Country to Obama ‘Second Mate’ Hillary Clinton
It Isn't Roberts's Problem: It's Ours
Cheeky crow takes a rest on the back of a bald eagle – who doesn’t even flinch and just keeps flying
Walmart Apologizes for ISIS Cake
Jesuit university celebrates gay marriage ruling on social media
Slaughter in the Roman amphitheatre: ISIS forces child executioners to brutally shoot dead 25 Syrian regime soldiers in front of bloodthirsty crowds at ancient Palmyra ruin
SF Sanctuary City Policy Ignores ICE Detainer — Released Criminal Alien Kills Young Woman
Donald Trump Loses It in Response to Woman Allegedly Killed by Illegal Immigrant Deported Five Times
It’s Clear Why This ‘Once in Lifetime Shot’ of Cinderella Castle at Walt Disney World
Murderer: I Chose SF Because It Is A ‘Sanctuary City’
Kate Steinle was Murdered by a Sanctuary City
Oregon Silences Bakers Who Wouldn't Make Gay Wedding Cake
Two Previously Deported Illegal Immigrants Allegedly Murder Two Women in Two States — In 24 Hours
LSU prof. allegedly loses job for dropping F-bombs while these 8 professors went unpunished
Plane bursts into flames on runway at Vegas airport loaded with passengers as it prepared for take-off
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson to Join Tea Party Rally Against Iran Deal on Capitol Hill
Princeton Prof: ‘Common Misunderstanding’ of Constitution Has Led to ‘Serious Erosion’ of Freedom
Why The F**k Should Boston Sports Fans Ever Watch ESPN Again? *HINT: They Shouldn’t*
GREECE LIVE: 70% of Votes Counted, ‘No’ Vote Set to Win By 62-38
California Family Discusses 4-Year-Old Transgender Child
Not Everyone Likes the Fourth of July-Themed Al Jazeera Video that Mocks Americans as Fat, Gun-Toting
The Penumbr
a School of Law
America's Trump Card Trumping
the Left
Canada Court Rules Right To Gay Sex Trumps Religious Liberty
Valerie Jarrett Organized White House Rainbow Lights
Fifth Circuit rejects religious universities' HHS challenge
Europe's big guns warn Greek voters that a no vote means euro exit
Scientists discover Sahara Desert contained the world's largest lake named Mega Chad until it evaporated in just a few hundred years
Wall St. falls as jobs data raises September rate hike chances
24 Million Watch GOP Debate on Fox News; Most-Watched Cable News Program Ever
Liberals loving Carly? Fiorina wins over MSNBC crowd
Who Is the One Actually Making Common Cause with Iran’s Hard-Liners, Mr. President?
Bloomberg: Fox News Couldn’t Kill Trump’s Momentum and May Have Only Made It Stronger
Christian university to spend $12M to help illegal immigrant students
Record 56,209,000 Women Not in Labor Force
Obama and the Flippancy of Fools
Youths, Dead Babies, PP, and Democrats
Bob Woodward: Clinton emails 'reminds me of the Nixon tapes'
Weekly Standard’s John Podhoretz Attacks Breitbart News as ‘Clown Site’
Second Republican Consultant Rips Conservative Base as Stupid
‘I Have Never In My Career Dealt With A Presidential Campaign Who’s As Unresponsive To Basic Questions’
'Anti-Washington' Carson Campaign Gains Momentum
Devastating Bangkok blast caught on camera: At least 27 dead and dozens injured as motorbike bomber targets tourists
Driver’s Licenses Available To Illegals In 10 States And D.C.
Detroit Police Chief: Legal Gun Ownership Can Help Stop Crime
Environmentalists Love Picture of Beheaded Scott Walker
Graduation day: Army's first female Rangers earn their tabs
Stock markets pummelled as China business activity sinks to 6-year low
Racial Motive Suspected: VA Police ID Person-Of-Interest In WDBJ Double Murder
White House Spokesman Calls For ‘Commonsense’ Gun Limits After Roanoke Shooting
Sheriff Vows Illegal Immigrant Crackdown, Sends Blunt Warning to Businesses: ‘Here’s What I’m Telling You…’
Listen to Allen West’s Blunt Response After Liberal Radio Host Claims It Was the ‘Guns’ That Killed 9-Year-Old in Ferguson
Boko Haram Slits the Throats of Sixteen Christian Fishermen
Sanctuary Cities for Conservatives?
EPA May Force Hotels to Monitor Shower Use
The Navy SEALs' secret 'Batsub' revealed: Proteus mini stealth craft can carry six elite frogmen underwater
Watch as Sheikh Preaching Radical Islam to Young Children Is Unexpectedly Interrupted by Bold Bystander
Hope Not Hate and the Coming English Civil War
McKim: Importing Mexico’s Killing Fields
Solar Power Lobbyists Seek to Subvert Florida Tea Party
Farrakhan: We Must Rise Up and Kill Those Who Kill Us; Stalk Them and Kill Them
Leftists Use Black Lives Matter to Exploit Blacks, Again
The New James Baldwin Speaks: White People Suck
Trump and Cruz Partner to Strip Planned Parenthood’s Funding
How a deeper dive by Apple could crush this market
Fifth Planned Parenthood video turns to 'intact' fetuses
Student Suspended for Tweets "Inflicting Emotional Harm" on Muslims, Mexicans, Rioters
Climate Scientists Rip Apart EPA’s Global Warming Rule
White Ivy Leaguers create student group to confront their 'privilege'
Levin Slams ESPN for Schilling Suspension Over Tweet Comparing Muslim Terrorists to Nazis: ‘ESPN Is a Joke!'
John Boehner Calls Ted Cruz A ‘Jackass’ At Fundraiser
ObamaCare's True Cost
Report: LGBT Rainbow Hate-Flag Found In WDBJ Killer’s Virginia Apartment
How Jeb and the GOP Got Trumped
Why History will Curse the Democrats
Chilling Call to Arms for Muslims in Germany to Commit ‘Lone Wolf’ Attacks
Obama Administration Modifies U.S. Oath of Allegiance to Accommodate Muslims
Mr. Obama and His Klimate Kontrol Kommisars
Trump at 32 Percent in New Post-Debate Poll
Trump's Republican support holds strong post-debate - Reuters/Ipsos poll
Why Animal Lovers Should Abhor Planned Parenthood
Obamism and Neo-fascist America
Obama 'Jew-Baiting' to Push Iran Deal
Dr. Ben Carson: The People Will Rise Up and Regain Control of Government
‘We Are Under Attack … Stop All Immigration of Muslims to the U.S.’
WSJ attacks Trump ‘Apologists’
Rush: Trump Tells Establishment to 'Go to Hell'
Attention America’s Suburbs: You Have Just Been Annexed Read
Planned Parenthood Warns More Undercover Sting Videos Could Soon Emerge — Some Likely Racially Charged
Feds Get the Power to Seize Medical Records on 'Fishing Expedition' Investigations with No Subpoena from a Judge
Federal Judge Says He’s ‘Mystified’ By State Department’s Hillary Email Stonewalling
Why Ted Cruz Won’t Attack Donald Trump
Liberals Sign 'White Privilege Tax' Petition
Hackers threaten to release details of millions of cheating spouses
A D.C. appeals court has lifted an injunction against the NSA phone call records program
The First Casualty in Donald Trump’s ‘Asymmetric’ War on Fox News
Immigration must benefit the home nation
Wall St. slips as investors assess volatile week
How Obama Officials Dodge the Freedom of Information Act
Ailes Biographer: Megyn Kelly Ducking Trump to 'Go Mainstream'
Artist paints models from head-to-toe to blend into doorways and gates
Eating steak or salmon every day could be 'as good for your heart as giving up smoking'
Is this the world's cutest spider? The adorable arachnid that uses bizarre dance moves to attract females
Walker Kicks Off Critical 2016 GOP Health-Care Debate with New Plan
Dr. Ben Carson in Phoenix: ‘All Black Lives Matter’ Including ‘Ones Being Exterminated by Abortionists’ at Planned Parenthood
Pat Buchanan: I 'Urged' Nixon to Burn Tapes, Hillary in Same Boat
Phyllis Schlafly: Disqualify Marco Rubio for Lying About Amnesty in Spanish
CBS Stumbles Upon CA City Giving Illegal Immigrants Gov't Posts
Have members of adultery website Ashley Madison finally been exposed?
'Iran have been given a licence to kill': Netanyahu blasts 'historic mistake'
Lindsey Graham: Iran Deal a 'Declaration of War on Israel, Mideast'
Could the Iran Deal Be the Worst International Accord of All Time?
Planned Parenthood Official Taped Discussing Sale of Aborted Baby Body Parts
Dem judge orders psych counseling for D’Souza
El Chapo’s ride to freedom: First pictures of ‘motorbike on rails’
The Fatal Flaw in the Corker Bill on Iran
Dropping deal a fast track to Iran nuclear weapon, Kerry warns Congress
Huckabee to Lauer: I'd Say 'Oven' Comment Even as President
Camille Paglia: How Bill Clinton is like Bill Cosby
Planned Parenthood Investigation Reportedly Shows Doctors Discussing How to Maximize Revenue
Editor of Science Magazine Should Resign!
Guy HIT BY LIGHTNING And Two Others Possibly Assassinated Over Climate Research (What?)
Catholic university teaches white people about 'whiteness'
Trump's Trump
Why the Left Hates America
Clinton to appear on October 22 before House Benghazi committee: panel
Bill Clinton’s Mistress Nicer to Secret Service than Hillary
FLASHBACK: Obama Fundraises For Planned Parenthood – ‘Simple Answer’ on Efforts to Defund It: ‘No’
Wheaton College ends student health insurance over Obamacare
Luis Gutierrez Explodes on Immigration Expert for Quoting His Dismissal of Kate Steinle’s Murder