These are manipulated versions of open source depictions of works of art chosen to tell a short and incomplete pictorial history of America. All to get the RHOPROSE.COM visitor and reader in the mood to think about the American tapestry and apply that thought to the issues and concerns of today.
For the reader's edification, information on the original works of art follow, from left to right:
Remember to be careful and courteous with pictures posted on the internet, considering copyright and common courtesy. While you can find free use versions of the art noted above, there are also owned versions of the art, e.g., a reproduction by a different artist; someone's personal photograph of the art; or the museum's owned and posted photograph of the displayed art. So be careful. And if you are in any way considering using such for commercial gain, you best be careful and mindful of the artist/owner.
...and this applies to RHOPROSE.COM denoted art/cartoons/materials. If interested in RHOPROSE.COM material send us an email: [email protected]. Place COPYRIGHT in the subject line. That goes for any mistakes or oversights you believe RHOPROSE.COM needs to consider. We are always eager to partner to make things right.
For the reader's edification, information on the original works of art follow, from left to right:
- Panel 1 Art: Artist Edward Percy Moran (1862-1935); Pilgrims Landing (1900). Various internet sites indicate Pilgrims Landing is housed at Pilgrim's Hall Museum (PHM), Plymouth, MA, but the information is incorrect. PHM does, however, have another great Percy piece, The Signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower, Website link here: http://pilgrimhallmuseum.org/. RHOPROSE.COM has not been able to locate the original Pilgrims Landing--it may be privately owned and not available for public viewing.
- Panel 2 Art: Artist John Trumbull (1756-1843); Declaration of Independence (1880). The US Capitol Rotunda. Architect of The Capitol. Website link here: www.aoc.gov.
- Panel 3 Art: Artist Janius Brutus Stearns (1810-1885); Washington as Statesman at Constitutional Convention (1856). Virginia Museum of fine Art. Website link here: vmfa.museum.
- Panel 4 Art: Artist Thomas Nast (1840-1902), published by S. Bott 1865. Emancipation. Library of Congress. Website link here: www.loc.gov.
Remember to be careful and courteous with pictures posted on the internet, considering copyright and common courtesy. While you can find free use versions of the art noted above, there are also owned versions of the art, e.g., a reproduction by a different artist; someone's personal photograph of the art; or the museum's owned and posted photograph of the displayed art. So be careful. And if you are in any way considering using such for commercial gain, you best be careful and mindful of the artist/owner.
...and this applies to RHOPROSE.COM denoted art/cartoons/materials. If interested in RHOPROSE.COM material send us an email: [email protected]. Place COPYRIGHT in the subject line. That goes for any mistakes or oversights you believe RHOPROSE.COM needs to consider. We are always eager to partner to make things right.